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Our Calgary warehouse will be closed Feb 17-28. During this time we will be shipping out of Toronto and Vancouver only. Our new location at 107-90 Freeport Blvd NE Calgary will open Monday March 3. Shipping and customer service may experience delays. Thank you for your patience!
Calgary warehouse closed Feb 17-28. Check out our new location Mar 3 @ 107-90 Freeport Blvd NE Calgary
Sears Canada Craftsman C459 and CMXG Models for 2011-2020

Sears Canada Craftsman C459 and CMXG Models for 2011-2020

MTD was the sole manufacturer of Craftsman branded lawn and garden equipment from 2011-2020. Up until Sears closed in Canada in 2018, Craftsman models were listed as C459-*. However, if you are looking for illustrated parts lists (IPLs) for C459 models, it's hit and miss whether you can find them or not. 

To locate the IPLs for these units, you need the list we've created below, which cross references C459 numbers with MTD model numbers.  Once you've located your C459 number on this list, you should be able to search the MTD Products website for the model number. Or do a general internet search for the MTD model number. There are some trusted US sites out there that include MTD IPLs:

When Sears Canada closed in 2018, no Craftsman lawn and garden products were produced that year.  From 2019 to present, MTD continued manufacturing Craftsman products, but discontinued the C459 model numbers and model numbers now start with CMXG. 


If you're looking for older C459* models, check out my previous blog post: Sears Canada Craftsman Models Starting with C459

For models manufactured between 2011 and 2020, the list below should assist. It also includes engine information, where available.  If you need engine parts, search for the engine model number on the engine manufacturer's website.

For any parts for Craftsman equipment, we can help!  We stock a good selection of common Craftsman parts and the parts for all major engine manufacturers. Just search our website for your part number. Or email or call 1-877-531-2873 toll free, local call or text (587) 329-6642 for assistance.

Happy hunting for your C459* or CMXG Craftsman models!

June 19, 2020 Update - some of the info in the original chart was scrambled - please contact us for updated info and we'll reload the corrected chart ASAP


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