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Our Calgary warehouse will be closed Feb 17-28. During this time we will be shipping out of Toronto and Vancouver only. Our new location at 107-90 Freeport Blvd NE Calgary will open Monday March 3. Shipping and customer service may experience delays. Thank you for your patience!
Calgary warehouse closed Feb 17-28. Check out our new location Mar 3 @ 107-90 Freeport Blvd NE Calgary
Imitation is not flattery when it's cyber crime

Imitation is not flattery when it's cyber crime

DR Mower Parts

Stay Safe! Ensure you shop with *The Real* DR Mower Parts

A new website has popped up that duplicated all of our products, descriptions, and images.

Please don't be fooled by these cybersquatters!


We have reported the issue to the authorities and are working to get this scammer website

taken down, but please make sure you shop on

The real DR Mower Parts website:

Our website has not been hacked and all of our customer information and data is safe.

Our Shopify store is secure and ready to provide your lawn and garden,

and small engine parts, as always.

We appreciate your business! And please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Char, Gabbi, Kelsey & Rob, DR Mower Parts

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